A concussion classically occurs from a blow to the head, face or neck - but it can also happen due to a blow to the body that leads to an "impulsive" force that gets transmitted to the head – ie. car accident? Body-checked? Daughter bonked you on the chin? All of these events can lead to an “invisible” concussion injury. Contrary to what most people believe - a concussion does not need to involve the loss of consciousness; and sometimes the even the most benign of hits can lead to one of the most frustrating injury recoveries out there.
Concussion research is one of the most constantly evolving bodies of research within the field of physiotherapy today. In fact, a lot of common practice pieces of advice even as recent as 2017 – such as putting yourself in a dark room and resting for several weeks – in the present day, is no longer supported by the research and is no longer recommended.
To stay on top of the research, I’ve prided myself in becoming a physiotherapist that specializes in concussion assessment and rehab by becoming certified within multiple nationally recognized systems: the ITPT (ImPACT Trained Physical Therapist) system developed out of the University of Pittsburgh, and the Shift Concussion Management system, which is the most widely recognized Canadian developed system for concussion rehabilitation.
Concussions heal. Surprisingly most times it can be quick, but sometimes it can be a long road. My goal is simple - to help you get through it.
In ideal scenario’s, concussion rehab should start on day 1. But even chronic concussion-like symptoms that have spanned from an injury months before can benefit from concussion rehab.
Think you’re experiencing symptoms related to a concussion? Get yourself in, or contact me below for additional information.